Category Archives: news

Why is SSL Important?


Imagine you’re on a bus having a conversation about your sensitive financial data with your bank account manager, or chatting about camerapersonal details with a friend. Everything you say can easily be heard by anyone around you. This is how the Internet would look like without SSLs – it’s like you’re saying your bank account number, passwords, or secret love confessions out loud for all to hear. Sounds terrifying, right? An SSL certificate, in this context, would allow you to speak a language that can be understood only by you and the party to which you’re speaking. To the other “passengers” around you, however, it would sound like a white noise.

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Everything You Should Know About Wildcard SSL Certificates


Wildcard SSLs secure an unlimited amount of subdomains along with a domain name.This means that once you obtain the certificate, you are able to secure all one-level subdomains with the same certificate file.

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2018 Certificate Transparency Requirements by Google Chrome

SSL certificates are a great way to protect your customers’ and visitors’ data as well as convey the validity and trustworthiness of your website.

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