Certificate Enrollment Made Easy

We are glad to announce that we’ve recently released a new certificate enrollment flow for a range of certificates including all Single-Domain and Wildcard certificates.

Watch how quick activation is with the new flow:


What are the benefits?

  • You’ll spend much less time on activation, reissue and renewal. You will be able to complete the process easily in less than a half of a minute.
  • No need to generate the private key and CSR prior to activation; have the codes generated in the background within your browser.
  • We’ve made it easier to submit your own CSR.
  • We now show you the commands you may execute on your server to generate the CSR for the specified hostname.
  • Now only one field is required in CSR: common name. The other fields are now optional.

We have released the flow for Single-Domain and Wildcard certificates (PositiveSSL, EssentialSSL, PositiveSSL WildcardEssentialSSL Wildcard, InstantSSL, InstantSSL Pro, PremiumSSL, PremiumSSL Wildcard, EV SSL). The support for the rest certificates is coming soon!


  • Is it safe to have the private key generated like that?

Yes. The private key is generated right in your browser using javascript. It is neither saved in cache nor transferred to us or anyone else. Still, make sure you keep the downloaded key private and use a trusted device and software.

  • What are the specs of the private key that is being generated in browser?

The private key is 2048-bit RSA.

  • Is this feature supported in all browsers?

Yes, all browsers except Internet Explorer.

  • Can I use ECDSA or 4096-bit RSA key?

Yes, you will need to create it yourself and use the ‘create it on your server’ option during the activation process.

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